Plast Moulding
Located in Besançon, Plast Moulding is specialized in the manufacture of plastic parts. It has partnerships with companies such as Peugeot, Renault, Henkel, Fiat, Iveco, and Ford.
The industrial park, supplied by a material plant, includes many types of machines. Plast Moulding also provides manual assembly operations or assembly with special machines.

The plastics manufacturer Plast Moulding is moving towards the factory of the future
At Plast Moulding, Aquiweb MES software links the operator to the other components of the digital chain, and improves competitiveness by being part of a continuous improvement process.
Since the SME adopted Aquiweb MES software, its performance has improved significantly (+10% of OEE in one year).

The MES (Manufacturing Execution System) project
Communicate and involve to succeed
In this plant, which has more than 30 presses, each island has been equipped with two color-coded screens that inform when the machines are stopped.
The operators have adapted to the tool thanks to significant communication work. ” Communication is the most important factor “, says Thomas Vuitton. It must be explained that this new system will not make them work harder but better.
Then you have to get some substance out of it. ” We have chosen to implement a new management system, with meetings every morning at 9am. We talk about OEE, quality rate, tooling changeover time. The goal is to find solutions, not blame anyone.”
The industrialist believes it is important that the data comes from the operational environment. “Ten OEE points is just the beginning, we know we’re going to do even better. Before, temporary staff were leaving their jobs because there was too much paperwork. Now they stay.”
Features used in the Aquiweb MES software :
- Dematerialization of POs (ERP link)
- Detailed schedule based on data from the ERP and the progress measured automatically
- Real-time machine supervision
- Tracking of people’s time, analysis of performance against the benchmark
- SMED management on change of series and tools
- Quality controls at the workstation
- Automatic generation of non-conformity sheets and management of their follow-up
- Preventive maintenance for presses and tooling (molds)
- Material traceability
- Dynamic display of documentation
” In one year, we have gained about 10% of OEE or savings of €250k. The return on investment was very fast.
With this system, breakdowns have dropped from 6% to 2.5%. “

Scheduling Manager
” The improvements are almost immediate, which requires close monitoring of developments and involvement of people in the field.
The company’s brand image is more modern and open-minded. This is important when receiving customers. “

Bertrand BRIALI
Site Director