
Our case studies allow you to discover how we have deployed Aquiweb in companies from different industries. Our know-how allows us to manage projects in less than 3 months. The return on investment is also very fast.

For more information: What is the return on investment with Aquiweb MES software?

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Nexans is an international company in the cable transmission line industry. The group operates in four main sectors: building and regions, high voltage and projects, telecommunications and data, industry and solutions
Logiciel MES, Aquiweb, suivi de la production, amélioration continue, performance industrielle, défense

Nexter (3 sites in France, Belgium & EAU)

Nexter designs, develops and produces complete defense systems.
Logiciel MES, Aquiweb, performance industrielle, amélioration continue, suivi de la production, tissage, ruban


Neyret is a manufacturer of ribbons, labels and luxury textile accessories in Saint-Etienne.
Logiciel MES, Aquiweb, amélioration continue, diitalisation, performance industrielle, presse, imprimerie


NRCO is specialized in the publishing of regional daily news as well as in the printing of books, brochures, etc.
Logiciel MES, Suivi de production, verre, bouteille


O-I manufactures bottles, jars and other glass containers


Otima is a company specializing in fine sheet metal work that focuses on industrial electronics applications.

Oxxo Evolution

Oxxo Evolution (Cevital Group) is an industrial manufacturer of PVC window/door frames and closures. The company offers its customers custom-made products on an industrial scale.
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Pernat Technologies

Incorporated into the Pernat Group in 2014, Pernat Technologies is an industrial subcontractor based in France and Romania.
Logiciel MES, Aquiweb, amélioration continue, suivi de production, performance industrielle, plan de travail, cuisine

Pierre de Plan

Pierre de Plan is the French leader in custom-made mineral surfaces. The company manufactures quartz, ceramic, natural stone and enameled lava worktops.


The Piroux Group carries out all mechanical welding work. The company acquired the Aquiweb MES software as part of its digitalization project.
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Plast Moulding

Specialized in the manufacture of plastic parts, Plast Moulding uses the Aquiweb MES software in a continuous improvement approach and puts the operator back at the heart of the process.
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Logiciel MES, suivi de production, injection plastique

Plastitek (3 sites)

Plastitek est expert en injection plastique.


Plastyrobel is a manufacturer of products and packaging made of expanded polystyrene by molding, cutting and machining.


In order to have a reliable decision support to set up continuous improvement processes and associated corrective actions, Plumettaz chose to install Aquiweb, the MES software in a Swiss machine shop.
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Poclain Hydraulics (6 sites – France, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovenia, India, USA)

Poclain Hydraulics is the world leader in hydrostatic transmission. The group focuses on niche markets, such as mobile machines for agriculture, construction and handling.
precialp equipement auto


Precialp is a French company specialized in automotive equipment (cutting, grinding, honing).

Prost Décolletage

Prost décolletage is a company specialized in precision mechanics. It works with all metals.


PTL designs and manufactures a wide range of plastic waste bags. These bags can be customized and made of different materials.


Raynaud has over sixty years of experience in the design and manufacture of various types of springs