
Our case studies allow you to discover how we have deployed Aquiweb in companies from different industries. Our know-how allows us to manage projects in less than 3 months. The return on investment is also very fast.

For more information: What is the return on investment with Aquiweb MES software?

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Food & Beverage
Bar turning and mechanical subcontracting
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Industrial carpentry
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Solystic is one of the world's leading providers of automated sorting and distribution preparation solutions for parcels/mail.

Sopal (Tunisia)

Sopal is a manufacturer of sanitary equipment based in Tunisia (taps, shower cabins, drainage systems, etc.).
Logiciel MES, Suivi de production, plasturgie

Soyez Fréres

SOYEZ FRERES is a company specialized in the manufacture, sale and marketing of drinking straws for beverages: toothpicks, straw covers for cheese, drip screens, and straw covers for shelves

Sphère France

Sphère France is a French company specialized in plastic packaging manufacturing, in particular garbage can liners and plastic films for food contact.

ST Composites

Company specialized in the production of composite parts for the aeronautics and space industries.
stago dispositif medical

Stago (2 sites)

Stago has specialized in the production of biological diagnostic tools for more than 60 years.


Steriflow is an equipment manufacturer specialized in sterilization and pasteurization of food and pharmaceutical products.

STI Genlis

STI Genlis is a company specialized in cabling and electrical integration for industry.


Suntec has been offering a range of gear pumps for domestic, collective heating and industrial applications.
Logiciel MES, suivi de production, usinage


Swisstools is specialized in precision machining


Syngenta is a Swiss chemical and food company formed in 2000 from the merger of AstraZeneca and Novartis.


is a screen printing company specialising in industrial marking
Logicil MES, Aquiweb, suivi de la performance, suivi de la production, digitalisation, amélioration contine, carton, emballage

Tallineau (2 sites)

Tallineau designs and produces standard or custom-made cardboard packaging. It also provides cushioning and protection products.


Tancogne is a manufacturer of mechanical parts and sub-assemblies of all types, for various sectors of activity (automotive, medical, railway, etc.)

Tarnaise des Panneaux

La Tarnaise des Panneaux is a company specialized in the manufacture of high density panels (wood fiber).


Tenneco is an automotive equipment manufacturer that produces spark plugs.

Terreal (6 sites)

As the European leader in clay roof tiles, Terreal is developing its know-how around 4 main activities: roofing, solar, structure and finally facade & decoration on 33 industrial sites located in France and abroad.
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Texelis designs and manufactures high-performance bridges and mobility assemblies for manufacturers of military vehicles, subways, etc
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