Based in Reding, Ferco specializes in door and window hardware. It is part of the Gretsch-Unitas (G-U) group, which has over fifty production and distribution companies worldwide (35 countries).

Ferco, specialist in door and window hardware
Renowned for the quality of its products and services since 1983, the company also benefits from the strength of the GU Group, offering not just products, but solutions that are consistent in every respect. Safety, functionaly and cost-effectiveness can only be achieved through proper planning and application. Ferco supports its customers with expert advice tailored to individual needs.
The company has enjoyed strong growth in recent years. Sales are expected to reach 153.9 million euros by 2021. With a presence in over 35 countries, the Ferco Group also has an international reach.

Choosing Aquiweb MES software
As part of its policy of digitalizing its workshops, Ferco was looking for a way:
- Monitor workshop productivity in real time De suivre la productivité de son atelier en temps réel
- De dématérialiser les postes de travail
- D’optimiser les ressources de production
- De diminuer les arrêts de production et les temps de saisie
- D’améliorer la qualité produite
In this context, the group specializing in fittings called on Astrée Software to integrate its MES software Aquiweb into the Reding workshop. The Aquiordo and Aquiqual modules, as well as the Aquiweb-Plantdata application, were commissioned at the Moselle site.
Ferco was present at Astrée MES day 2022. Its production manager, Stéphane Pich, took the opportunity to share his experience in implementing Aquiweb.
« Thanks to Aquiweb, our productivity has increased by 10 points. We’ve also saved time for operators. »

Stéphane PICH
Industrial Manager