Astrée supports you in your projects
To guarantee your quick return on investment, we are committed to the success of your project and to its completion within 3 months.

Listen. Advise. Support

A team of experts at your side
With more than 15 years of experience in the management of fixed-price MES projects, our teams are committed to the success of your project.
“Our commitment is to make your project a success”
Our goal is to provide a software solution including:
The expected services
by integrating them into the implementation process throughout the project
A cost that is defined
in advance, by a controlled commitment of our teams
High-quality code
secured by unit tests
A scalable solution
because today’s needs are not tomorrow’s needs.
An agreed deadline
We made the choice
of agile methods
Agile methods and their virtues
All Astrée Software teams have been using agile methods (XP and SCRUM) since 2009 for all developments.

These methods imply 5 essential values to respect.
It is imperative that all these values are respected for the success of the project.
within the team but also with the customer
always force yourself to think SIMPLE
propose intermediate versions to the customer
the customer gives feedback on intermediate deliveries
Everyone must listen to each other

Agility: an iterative approach
With an attitude of respect, each of the players has a responsibility in the project
Astrée Software Team
Respect Astrée Software’s development practices
Commit to the achievements of the next iteration
Warn the customer of potential slippage
Accept change
Customer Team
Provide user scenarios at the beginning of each iteration
Provide acceptance tests
Accept the software at the end of each iteration
Give feedback as soon as possible on points that are not suitable

To support you in the long term
Maintenance and hotline
The maintenance contracts offered by Astrée Software guarantee the long-term optimal operation of your installation in a climate of trust, transparency and confidentiality.
Responsiveness. Efficiency. Stability.
Astrée Software obtained the Qualiopi certification in November 2021. It recognizes a true quality approach as a training professional.
Develop skills.
“Our experience is that our customers with a maintenance contract are making optimal use of their application.”