Astrée Software:
who are we ?
Passionate about digital transformation, Astrée Software is gaining the respect of industrialists in France and abroad, thanks to its Aquiweb MES software.
Simple and innovative, Aquiweb involves the production personnel and perpetuates continuous improvement to successfully move towards the Factory of the Future today.
We are the only French software company and integrator 100% dedicated to MES software.
Astrée Software joined 4CAD Group in February 2024.

Create. Innovate. Become more accessible.
We are committed to cultivating a forward-looking vision of MES software and IT in general by constantly challenging our work processes to meet the real needs of our customers.
Astrée Software helps to make the Factory of the Future more accessible and simpler for its customers.

The birth of Astrée Software and the Aquiweb MES software
“The creation of Astrée Software came to us quite naturally, as a matter of course. Through our own experiences and our observation of the industrial ecosystem, it became clear to us that there were no production control solutions for small and medium-sized businesses that were inexpensive and easy to use.
We then developed the Aquiweb MES software to support manufacturers in their overall performance optimization process. Aquiweb offers a range of features enabling them to easily move toward Factory 4.0: dematerialization of production monitoring, quality controls, traceability, connected scheduling, management of operating procedures, flows and stocks, maintenance, etc.”
Nicolas Stori, Pierre Jourdat and Didier Vially – Co-founders of Astrée Software
Astrée Software was founded at the end of 2011 with a simple objective: through technology, innovation and business know-how, design simple, standard and economical MES software that is affordable to as many as possible.
A hypergrowth business at the cutting edge of technology
Since our creation, we have distinguished ourselves through our strong capacity to innovate, which we consider to be our guiding principle. With more than 35 to 45% annual growth since our creation, we want to intensify our position as a leader in the MES software solution market and always stay one step ahead of industry developments. This has earned us, since 2018 and every year, a place in the Champions of Growth ranking as the only MES software publisher in the ranking.
At Astrée, we are not afraid to shake up practices and make use of new technologies if we are convinced that they will only be beneficial for the software and our customers. This is also our strength and allows us to stay ahead of the game. Responding to the changing needs of our customers with a scalable software solution that is ahead of its time is the major challenge that Astrée Software takes up every day.
€7,150 K
Astrée Software was founded by recognized experts in the market, and it achieves between 30 and 40% growth each year.
industrial sites.
Whether in France or abroad, whatever their size or process, they have adopted Aquiweb MES software.

Complete support for operators in the Factory of the Future
Since the beginning, Astrée Software has placed the operator at the heart of its software development. We are constantly innovating to include more and more compatible features and to adapt our solution to the daily needs of operators while anticipating those of tomorrow.
Of course, managers are not left out since we are also working on the development of additional modules and applications allowing them to have clearer and more immediate access to their company’s data.
By working in phase with the latest technologies in force, we place Aquiweb software at the service of increased performance in the industrial management of companies, mainly small, medium and intermediate-sized companies.
Astrée Software gives the keys to enter industry 4.0. Our experts support our customers in the digitalization of their production with technologies that provide real added value.
Our software offer: simplicity through innovation
The main ambition of Astrée Software? Staying ahead of the curve in the MES software industry. At the heart of our beliefs, innovation is the essential driver for the development of our software solution, which must always provide the simplest user experience possible.
The pillars of the Astrée Software philosophy

Co-constructing meaningful projects for the future means cultivating a strong corporate culture. This conviction is at the heart of our philosophy which is based on 5 major pillars:
1. Communication
Good communication is the guarantee of a successful project. The use of agile methods has always favored exchanges and communication, both internally and with our customers.
2. Simplicity
Thinking and doing things simply is the most difficult thing but also the most valuable. Simplicity, a concept that drives each of Astrée Software’s actions.
3. Courage
Creating custom software solutions for customers requires honest and transparent relationships. You must seek and accept feedback, constantly reappraising yourself with the sole objective of continuous improvement and innovation.
4. Listening
All feedback is valuable. Employees and customers alike have the keys to solving a problem, streamlining collaborative processes or rethinking the contours of tomorrow’s MES software solutions. The key is to pay attention to opinions, through dynamic and proactive listening. As part of our drive to collect opinions to constantly reappraise ourselves, we carry out satisfaction surveys to help us develop in a relevant way.
5. Mutual respect
Healthy and fulfilling collaborations between our employees and our customers with mutual respect is the engine that drives all stakeholders forward with a common goal: success and progress.
Employees who are experts and passionate about their work

Astrée Software is a team of experts with a real knowledge of industrial needs. They are also passionate developers who want to offer the best solution to our customers.
The “Innovation Fridays” (R&D workshops), the DDD (Design Driven Domain) approach and the sharing of ideas between teams help the software progress. These rewarding periods contribute to the emergence of collective intelligence and to making further progress.
Employee well-being, a key concern
All the employees meet regularly during evening events, seminars or to support Astrée FC, our soccer team, etc. These shared periods of friendly interaction reinforce the feeling of belonging and the will to progress together. At Astrée Software, the well-being of our employees is a priority and includes the provision of a sports room, a nap room, and relaxation areas for breaks with unlimited coffee and tea. As for work, as soon as the weather is fine, everyone is free to leave the open-space for the sun of the outdoor terrace, etc.
Create a difference with our working methods
Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham, Ron Jeffries, … do you know them?
At Astrée Software, they are our thought leaders. All Astrée Software teams develop following the precepts of eXtreme Programming which combines agile methods with a Software Craftmanship approach. The use of this methodology allows us to conduct our projects in a responsive, flexible, collaborative and above all qualitative manner.

Feedback, a valuable resource
Listening to our customers and employees is fundamental. Once a year, we organize a retrospective with them in order to take stock and collect what went well, together with points and ideas for improvement. Within the framework of our user club, we receive our customers in our offices to discuss their needs, to present our new products to them, etc. A forum is at their disposal, and webinars are organized to present the new versions of the software.
Our awards
Since 2011, Astrée Software has never stopped innovating to meet the real needs of its customers and to adapt to technical evolutions. The “Champions of Growth” honors list, the innovation award, and Bpifrance Excellence, all these recognize our commitment to achieving excellence every day and going further and faster.

Global Awards 2021
Productive performance category with the Aquiweb-Plandata solution

Global Awards 2018
Finalist in the productive performance category with the Aquiordo module

PME-RMC Trophy 2019
Winner of the “creative company” award in the southeast region

Simodec 2016 Innovation Trophy
Finalist in the “Industry 4.0 services and software” category with the Aquienergie module

Bpifrance Excellence since 2017
Bpifrance Excellence supports more than 4,000 companies in all fields of activity. The organization has recognized Astrée Software’s innovation and know-how by awarding a distinction for its growth potential every year since 2017.

200+ Top Investors in the region 2018
In 2018, Astrée Software was named by Parcours France as one of the top 200 investors in the regions. These award-winning companies invested more than €30 billion in the regions and created nearly 50,000 jobs throughout France in 2018.

Technology Fast 500
Astrée Software’s strong growth since 2012 has led to its inclusion in the Technology Fast 500 Europe EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa). In fact, between 2011 and 2016, Astrée Software saw its revenue grow by 800%.

2018 AgileIndex® Winner
In 2018, Astrée Software received the label ChooseMyCompany in the AgileIndex® category with a score of 4.65/5. Based on the opinions of employees, the label rewards organizations in which teams feel the most agile.

RDE label since 2014
As a major player in the MES market, Astrée Software integrates ethical, social and environmental aspects into its operations. In 2014, Astrée Software received the RDE (Responsible Digital Enterprise) label. This label was renewed in 2016, 2018 and 2020.

Champions of Growth, each year since 2018
Astrée Software is ranked each year in this ranking which rewards the 500 best performing French companies among a list of 10,000 companies achieving strong organic growth. Astrée Software appears as the only MES software publisher.

“Vitrine Industrie du Futur” since 2023
Astrée Software is the first digital solutions provider to receive this label

Astrée Software, at the heart of a dense and dynamic ecosystem
Astrée Software is an active member of several clusters and professional associations : the MES Club, the Digital League cluster, the Minalogic and CIMES competitiveness clusters.
Astrée Software près de chez vous
Discover our offers to optimize your production
We offer “all-inclusive” packages to allow you to launch your MES project, but also various modules to develop it, step by step.